Dec 8, 2009

That Man

When he’s around, you’d better watch your back.
He’ll use every bit of ammo he can find.
He’ll take the shells you left on the ground,
reducing, reusing, recycling
the same old arguments that he used
for wins in the war.

it all down to sound bites.
The complex strategies,
the great plans I have,
he says, “You’ll never get past the starting line.”
It’s not a challenge.
His shotgun of spite
fires into my back again.

I remember back in the war,
when I was just beginning to live.
My father, killed in action.
You know who’s to blame.
Now he’s on a mission, killing the child
that my father left behind.

the bullets of vitriol he’d collected.
Years have passed.
The conflict has been resolved.
Our countries are allies now.
Even he knows that!
He just doesn’t know what to do with all that hate.

Let’s just say that my guys used to be fun and happy and light.
They never wanted to have to fight so hard for freedom.
Now sometimes they think they’re wrong to fight.
At times, I just can’t get them out of bed.
They’d rather just be left to die,
then to fight such a miserable,
degrading, demoralizing, deadly

Nov 9, 2009



Nov 7, 2009


Blogger is kind of strange. I don't mean blogging is strange. Blogger is a bit too round at the edges in the third dimension. By that, I mean it's like a toy. It's not very clean. It's not very efficient. It's a shell at best. It doesn't work right. For instance, I think my custom "posted by" and "comments" things are lame. I can't change them back at the moment, though I was able to change them earlier this evening. Why? Who knows.

Also, I couldn't change the size of certain elements of text in my blog. Why? The stupid button was changing the wrong element. FIX MEEEEEEE, GOOGLE!
At around the same time, I also made this. It's for an imaginary product, which, because it's imaginary, doesn't need a legal disclaimer! Egad.

Expansion and Variety

This blog is henceforth no longer restricted to purposes of writing, as demonstrated by this, which I made earlier today:

Disclaimer: I don't own the trademark for GE. Also, please don't sue me; it's free advertising, and it's just an experiment.


I used to post to this account as sarixe. Now I post as drm.mundy. In other words, the previous owner has died and been reincarnated as the new management. Good luck, readers, as you try to understand my new, improved ramblings. Forthwards and on!