- Religion rules. Life sucks. Nobody's allowed to have sex, or know about sex, or anything, until they're married.
- Many periods and events, such as the Renaissance, Exploration, the Enlightenment, and several revolutions change the face of things drastically. No longer is monarchy the standard. America becomes the forefront of the spirit of revolution and freedom.
- Industry pops up, things are mass-produced, and an environment develops where consumerism is able and allowed to thrive.
- The 50's happen, when a rigid lifestyle of family, suburban house, white picket fence, dog, and social norms is commonplace.
- The 60's begin, and people get tired of the 50's' rigidity. It lasts for a few years, but by the end of the 60's, people nationwide change drastically, living in communes, listening to rock, getting stoned, etc. Also, the civil rights movement occurs.
- The 70's, 80's, 90's, and 00's, people fight for specific civil liberties. Women's rights, gay rights, sexual rights, abortion, etc, are fought for adamantly. AIDS rises, and kills millions.
That said, people can't work up the courage to get some conviction. Nobody believes anything these days, because everything they've ever believed in has been shattered. Everyone's jaded by this. Nobody has seen truth, and they're wary of anything proposing to be it.
You and I need to rise against the emptiness, the meaninglessness. Be yourself. Be truthful and true to yourself and others. We need to show this world what truth really is.