Nov 3, 2008

Telephoning Ostentatious Operators; Forsaking All Reason

WEB LOG. It's what it used to be called. Web log -> weblog -> 'blog. It's all the raaaage, dude. Grooveh. Cool. Sick nasty, bro. Sweet. Sweet like the sugary syrup I poured upon your bosom yesterday eve, as we slipped into a coma of delicious drips. Comatose. Fructose. Fructis. You spend too much money on your hair. I liked it the way it was before. Why did you have to go and change it? Got any spare change? I need to pay the toll man. Toll house cookies. A Nestle brand. A brand. Steward Brand. The sixties. Funny that THE EPOCH is midnight on January 1st 1970, not even accounting for the 60's at all. What about history? What about tradition? Are you going to leave all this behind? Are you even prepared for what repercussions may come of your actions? I'm not. I don't have to be. After all, I'm not even the one writing this.